Screenshots and Videos

Take a look at some screen shots and trailers as well as some of the science that goes into our games.

Dev Blog

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CAT Interstellar: Remastered UE4.0 to UE5.0

CAT Interstellar: Remastered UE4.0 to UE5.0

July 22, 2021

Porting CAT Interstellar from UE4.0 to UE5.0

Project Wildflower

Project Wildflower

May 26, 2021

Project Wildflower is an effort in using photogrammetry to develop photorealistic environments for real world locations. The primary goal of the project is to help train current students on the relatively new processes and pipelines of photogrammetry. The secondary goal is to publish a repeatable guide on how to capture areas of interest and blend […]



April 30, 2021

Encrypted Message from Colonel Alexander – Sergeant Gary Freeman, your leave request has been denied indefinitely. I’m sure you expected as much but I hate to be the one to officially decline it. I understand you have a son back on Earth but we require your immediate attention. We do not yet know all the […]
